Monday, April 22, 2013

Breaking News: Ethiopians in Norway Chased TPLF Ambassador

Norway police stopped meeting in Tasta Bydelshus

Source: Aftenbladet
The police came out with three cars and six policemen and stopped a meeting of Tasta bydelshus where the atmosphere was becoming so very irritably among the more than 300 Ethiopian origin attendees.
The 300 attendees were Ethiopian asylum seekers or people with Ethiopian background. The police feared that it would get completely out of control when people in the audience went to the hard verbal confrontation against two representatives from the Ethiopian Embassy in Stockholm who had called for and chaired the meeting.Breaking News: Ethiopians in Norway Chased TPLF Ambassador
The police gave the first message that all protesters to leave the meeting while the two embassy people and their potential supporters can be seated. This denied the attendees protesters, and several feared it would come to an open confrontation between police and people in the audience. Then, specific efforts manager Øyvind Sveinsvoll of Rogaland police to stop the meeting and clear the room.
It was a wise decision, said several of those present protesters. They did not want the two embassy people should be left as “victors” while they were evicted.
- Our goal was to stop the meeting. We managed, says one of them to Eve magazine.
Had to isolate embassy people
The atmosphere was tense that the police chose to isolate the two embassy people from the rest of the participants. TheyBreaking News: Ethiopians in Norway Chased TPLF escorted them out to a private car that carried them away from the area. The 300 attendees were then drop out of the courtroom.
There was general consul at the Ethiopian Embassy, ​​Abay Mebrat Beyene, who would chair the meeting with embassy secretary. The main theme was collecting money in the Ethiopian exile to a very controversial prestige project for the regime in Ethiopia.
Mass demonstrations abroad
The Ethiopian authorities have tried to keep similar “recovery meetings” both in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the U.S. and Germany, and each time meetings have ended in massive demonstrations against human rights violations in Ethiopia. People imprisoned without trial, free elections are abolished, freedom of speech likewise, newspapers are state controlled and hundreds of journalists imprisoned.
Not voluntary payment
Several took the floor during the meeting and said this was not a voluntary fundraising. Those who did not pay the money, you could expect problems when they contacted the embassy to obtain a passport or ID papers.
Gearing up for the Oslo-riot
Saturday’s meeting was the first of its kind in Norway. And exiled Ethiopians came in separate buses from Oslo, others came from Steinkjær, Otta, Stord and Bergen to demonstrate in Tasta bydelshus against the regime in Ethiopia.
28th April, the Ethiopian Embassy in Stockholm holds a similar meeting in Oslo.
- We are going to fill the buses with protesters, said several of those present to Eve magazine.

19 Responses to Breaking News: Ethiopians in Norway Chased TPLF Ambassador

  1. April 21, 2013 at 9:59 pm
    Wrote, “… Woyane Representatives, the Money that they plan to Swindel from the diasporra by the name of Abay dam —As always They will use it to buy a bullet to kill our brothers and sisters back home , To build a notorious prison and to pay its wide spread 1 to 5 spy ring leaders …”.
    That is well said Suleiman. Let me add this: Woyane is using Abby dam construction as a means to divide people back home and in the diaspora. Woyanes and their supporters on one side and victims of woyane apartheid on the other. These group of people do not want to see into each other’s eyes or talk/discuss on issues that matter most to their country and people. They are pushing hard to be at each others throat. And, this is what woyanes want and doing since they launched the so-called damn dam thing.
    We should always ask why many don’t like to hear about the dam, let alone finance it. The Abbay dam is one main tool by which woyanes bash and trash the diaspora day in and day out to isolate them from the Ethiopian people back home. They call the diaspora “enemies of Ethiopia and Ethiopians” just because they demanded for freedom and democracy. Their agents such as Aiga-forum call Ethiopians living in exile, “toxic diaspora”. All this in an effort to create haterade among Ethiopians. I think people have realized now the issue is more than dam building. Lately, woyanes are trying to link the dam with our Muslim brothers’ and sisters’ quest for freedom and democracy. They accuse Ethiopian Muslims of conspiring with foreign enemies. Deep in their heart, they knew no one buys that, but they keep on trying hoping their lie will work for them as in the past.
    From the trends we see lately, all woyanes effort to divide Ethiopians and rule by Apartheid System is backfiring and falling apart in font their eyes.
    Ethiopians are gathering momentum and unity and it will not be too far for woyanes’ Apartheid to collapse and end.

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